




脳内言語というのがあります。人は脳内言語のせいで、頭の中は、いつも、雑念がいっぱい!だそうです。脳内言語は、1日  16万語~47万語だそうです。たとえば人の話を聞いていても、自分勝手にあれこれ考えていて、自分自身と会話をしているかもしれません。ラーメンやケーキの話が出た時、聞き手の頭の中では、自分勝手なラーメンやケーキが思い浮かぶでしょう。ですから、本当に話し手の言いたいことが伝わるのは、相当に困難です。30%くらい伝わればいいと、考えましょう。30%が合格!と思いえば、気がラク。話すこともは、楽しくなります。



人間は言語によってのみ人間である。  ハイマン・シュタインタール



It is called brain language. People’s brains are always, all the time, full of miscellaneous thoughts because of the language in their brains! It is said that the brain language is between 160,000 and 470,000 words a day. The brain language is said to be between 160,000 and 470,000 words a day. For example, when you are listening to someone talking, you may be selfishly thinking about this and that and having a conversation with yourself. When ramen or cake is mentioned, the listener will have selfish ramen or cake in his or her mind. So it is quite difficult to get across what the speaker is really trying to say! If you think that you can get your point across, you will feel at ease. Speaking will be more enjoyable.


🌱 Words of wisdom from our predecessors

Man is only human through language.  Hyman Steintha